Adobe release second beta of SVG Viewer 2.0
00:01, 4 Jan 2001 UTC | Edd Dumbill

Michael Bierman has announced the release of the second public beta of Adobe SVG Viewer 2.0, adding more support for the SVG Candidate Recommendation spec.

Requesting testing by SVG developers, Bierman writes:

We strongly encourage SVG developers to test it against your own SVG. Now that there is such a healthycommunity of people developing a wide range of content, it is becoming more difficult for us to create our own test cases for every possible circumstance, duplicate every environment, etc. so we welcome your feedback and test cases when content does not display as you expect it to. Test cases are always helpful.

Complete details of the level of support for the CR are available as a PDF from Adobe's website (although quite why they can't be posted in easily accessible HTML is beyond this author).

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