Xerces C 1.3.0 released
13:09, 2 Oct 2000 UTC | Eric van der Vlist

Arundhati Bhowmick has announced Xerces-c 1.3.0 a new release including experimental support for SAX2 and DOM Level 2.

This "much awaited release of Xerces-c 1.3.0 version" is available both as source and binaries (AIX, HP11, Linux, Solaris, Windows).

Bhowmick gives the following highlights for the release:

  • Experimental versions of DOM Level 2 Range, Traversal
  • Experimental version of SAX2
  • Improved support for Entities in the DOM
  • Bug fixes and performance improvements

The programming guide is cautious about SAX2 interoperability expectations though:

The SAX2 API for XML parsers was originally developed for Java. Please be aware that there is no standard SAX2 API for C++, and that use of the Xerces-C SAX2 API does not guarantee client code compatibility with other C++ XML parsers.

The release notes also mention many platform specific fixes (for HP-UX, OS/2, AS400, OS390, MSVC, Borland, Mac OS, Solaris, Linux, ...).

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