One year of XMLhack!
10:23, 23 Sep 2000 UTC | Edd Dumbill

I'm happy to report that today (2000/09/23) is xmlhack's one year anniversary.

During this time we've run around 780 stories from the XML developer community, on tools, debates, standards and other happenings in the XML world. We've occasionally got ourselves in trouble, but more often than not we've achieved our aim of promoting XML, particularly open-source and community efforts.

In the past year we've also added new features to the site: the incredibly useful site search and the XML jobs page. As of a few days ago, all the site is now published in XML (it's pretty near XHTML, apart from the banner-ad tags, so I can't claim full XHTML-validity).

I'd like to thank all our readers for their use of the site, and most especially the contributors for their stories, advice and coding: Simon St.Laurent, Eric van der Vlist, Leigh Dodds, Gabe Beged-Dov, Matt Hunt, James Tauber and Ron Bourret.

-- Edd Dumbill, Publisher & Editor

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