Arabica C++ XML parser toolkit
17:12, 25 Oct 2003 UTC | Edd Dumbill

Arabica is a C++ XML parser toolkit with a full SAX2 implementation, including optional interfaces and helper classes, as well as a DOM Level 2 implementation.

Arabica delivers UTF-8 encoded std::strings or UCS-2 std::wstrings, but can also accommodate custom string types and alternative encodings. It provides uniform SAX2 wrappers for the expat parser, Xerces, libxml, and the Microsoft XML parser COM component. The DOM is layered on top of the SAX2 implementation.

Author Jez Higgins writes of the October 2003 release, noting these changes:

This latest release adds both SAX and DOM writers, allowing SAX events and DOM trees to be serialised to iostreams (file, console, etc). To support the writers are several codecvt facets providing several common conversions - UTF8 to UTF16, ISO8559-1 to UTF16, etc. Portability and configuration improvements. Assorted bugfixes.

Arabica is open source and available under a BSD-style licence.

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