XML Security Library 1.1.1
09:39, 22 Aug 2003 UTC | Michael Smith

Aleksey Sanin has released version 1.1.1 of the XML Security Library (xmlsec), an open-source implementation of the joint IETF/W3C XML Signature (dsig) and W3C XML Encryption (xenc) specifications. This release adds X509Data node templates support to the NSS implementation, includes new functions for reading keys and certificates from memory, and fixes several problems in configuration files and a bug in URI attribute XInclude processing.

xmlsec is a C library based on libxml2, OpenSSL, GnuTLS and Libgcrypt (the GNU TLS and cryptographic libraries), and NSS (the Mozilla Network Security Services library).

The xmlsec library is useful for building applications for digitally signing and encrypting/decrypting documents (for example, contracts, documents used in electronic commerce, or messages of any kind whose internal integrity and authenticy it might be important to verify). It's also bundled with a command-line tool, also named xmlsec.

The library is very well-documented. A documentation page includes links to:

A download page provides links to the current source distribution as well as to Red Hat RPMs (xmlsec1 and xmlsec1-devel), Windows binaries, Debian packages, and FreeBSD and OpenBSD patches.

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