Xerces2-J 2.1.0 released
00:27, 31 Aug 2002 UTC | Michael Smith

The Apache XML Project have released version 2.1.0 of the Xerces2 Java Parser. Along with bug fixes and performance improvements, this release also includes some major feature enhancements.

The list of enhancements includes:

  • the ability to modify the parsing pipeline dynamically

  • modification of the the DOM to carry PSVI information

  • ability to access the PSVI via SAX

  • ability to use the W3C XML Schema datatype implementation as a standalone datatype library

A more complete list of changes is available at the Xerces2-J project site.

Xerces2-J is the XML-standards-compliant reference implementation of the Xerces Native Interface (XNI), a framework for communicating a streaming document information set and constructing generic parser configurations. XNI is designed to be extremely modular and easy to program, and special-purpose tools can and have been built using it, most notably the CyberNeko Tools for XNI (NekoXNI).

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