Topic Maps go quantum
00:20, 14 Mar 2002 UTC | Eric van der Vlist

Nikita Ogievetsky has presented a continuation of his work for Extreme Markup 2001 showing a very concise form of RDF Topic Map representation based on a "Quantum" Topic Map model easy to constrain using DAML+OIL.

Ogievetsky's Quantum Topic Map model is a breakdown of Topic Maps objects into particles which can be compared to the Topic Map Reference Model presented by Michel Biezunski and Steve Newcomb yesterday -even though it is based on a previous version of the Topic Map Processing Model (TMPM4)- and its name comes out of a comparison with the dual nature of electromagnetic waves which can be seen as particles when appropriate.

The mapping between this Topic Map model and RDF is based on the generation of a RDF Schema specific for each Topic Map and the availability of such a schema allows a direct mapping between Quantum Topic Map particles and RDF triples whereas other mapping include the mapping information in the RDF instance documents themselves.The result is not only very concise, the generated RDF document being shorter than its XTM counterpart, but also easy to manipulate with RDF tools such as DAML+OIL and probably RDF query languages too.

The demonstration included the XSLT transformation from a sample XTM document into "Quantum Topic Map RDF" and the validation of this RDF document through DAML+OIL rules very readable and simple to write.

This proposal appears thus to be a smart "schema centric" alternative to the mapping developed at the Knowledge Technology nocturne.

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