Toward a RDF schema for Topic Maps
05:29, 13 Mar 2002 UTC | Eric van der Vlist

Organized and chaired by Lars Marius Garshol, this nocturne has brought together RDF and Topic Maps experts and allowed them to validate the approach consisting of using RDF to represent the basic concepts of Topic Maps (subject, topic, association, resource, ...) and draw up a first working draft of a RDF schema for Topic Maps which will be formalized by Garshol.

The desire to reach a solid proposal appeared to be real, and the contributions (especially those from Lars Marius Garshol, Uche Ogbuji, Nikita Ogievetsky and Steve Pepper) have given birth to a proposal which could constitute a consensus between the two communities.

The approach of this schema remains classical and close to what has been proposed a year ago and does not follow the proposal from Nikita Ogievetsky to translate in RDF the new "Topic Map Reference Model" presented this morning by Michel Biezunski and Steve Newcomb and based on the notion of "assertion" which might be easily map to RDF "statements".

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