Xerces C++ improves its W3C XML Schema support
14:47, 6 Nov 2001 UTC | Edd Dumbill

The XML Apache Project have released version 1.5.2 of the Xerces-C++ XML parser, adding bug fixes and improving its support for a subset of W3C XML Schema.

Xerces-C++ offers partial support for W3C XML Schema. In particular, it does not yet support identity constraints, particle derivation constraint checking, and the date-related built-in datatypes. As well as improved schema support, the 1.5.2 release offers the following new features:

  • XMLPlatformUtils::Initialize/Terminate() pair of routines can now be called more than once within a process
  • Progressive parse support in SAX2XMLReader
  • Project files for BCB 5
  • runConfigure script to accept multiple compiler and linker options

Xerces-C++ 1.5.2 can be downloaded from the XML Apache site.

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