RelaxNG updates
08:45, 27 Sep 2001 UTC | Edd Dumbill

Daisuke Okajima has updated his Relax NG source code generator, RelaxNGCC, and James Clark has released a new version of Jing along with Relax NG conformance tests.

New features in RelaxNGCC include:

  • Allowed class attribute with some Relax NG elements such as element, zeroOrMore, or optional.
  • Allowed alias attribute with value element.
  • Enhanced ability to recognize grammars by enhancing the algorithm around automaton.
  • Added RelaxNG attribute for changing access modifiers.
  • Added translated documentation about the internal algorithm in English.

James Clark's new version of Jing, a Relax NG validator, adds support for pluggable datatype libraries using the vendor-independent Relax NG datatype library from the SourceForge relaxng project. Clark has also released a conformance test suite for Relax NG. Although "far from perfect," the suite does include over 300 tests. Both Jing and the test suite are available from Clark's Relax NG page.

While announcing the new Relax NG tools, Clark also mentioned DTDinst, a Java tool for converting from XML DTDs to XML instance format. He writes:

It can generate either RELAX NG or a DTDinst-specific format (which should be easily transformable into other schema languages). The key feature of DTDinst is its handling of parameter entities. It is able to reliably turn parameter entity declarations and references into a variety of higher-level semantic constructs.

DTDinst is available from

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