RDF test cases
23:18, 12 Sep 2001 UTC | Simon St.Laurent

The W3C has released an initial Working Draft of RDF Test Cases, providing a foundation for testing compliance to RDF and RDF Schema.

The document describes:

"a set of machine-processable test cases corresponding to technical issues addressed by the WG. This document describes the test cases that will fullfill (when the test cases are completed) that deliverable but it does not contain the test cases themselves."

The Working Group is focusing on certain aspects of RDF, not the entire spec:

"A comprehensive and complete test suite for RDF should cover all of the rules in the Formal Grammar for RDF. The Working Group, however, is not chartered to deliver such a test suite but rather to create test cases for the issues the Working Group addresses (when applicable). Although the Working Group will not create test cases for some grammar rules (e.g. rule [6.1]), if such test cases are donated to the W3C the Consortium may add such test cases to this set of test cases."

Public comments should be sent to www-rdf-comments@w3.org, while private comments may go to w3t-semweb-review@w3.org.

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