W3C publish TAG Charter
17:20, 22 Jul 2001 UTC | Leigh Dodds

The W3C have this week published the charter for the new Technical Architecture Group.

Janet Daley announced the publication of the charter, along with an amended W3C Process document on the www-talk mailing list. The charter notes that the TAG has been created:

...to document and build consensus around principles of Web architecture and to interpret and clarify these principles when necessary. The TAG will also resolve issues involving general Web architectural brought to the TAG, and help coordinate cross-technology architecture developments inside and outside W3C.

Apparently the TAG will create 'Architectural Recommendations' that described 'fundamental principles' for the Web. The recommendations will follow the usual W3C Process track. The charter references several documents that are often cited in architectural discussions, e.g. 'Design Issues'. It is possible that initial recommendations will formalise these publications.

The TAG will consist of eight participants plus the Director. Three of these will be directly appointed by Berners-Lee, while the other five will be voted in by the W3C membership. In her announcement, Daley noted that nominations, and the initial three appointments will take place in early August. Daley's message reiterated the expected qualifications for TAG members set out in the charter.

The formation of the TAG has already been the cause for some debate. The biggest issue has concerned the level of public discussion and review of TAG work. A public mailing list has been created for the discussion of architectural issues.

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