JDOM 1.0 Beta 7 adds XSLT support.
07:43, 10 Jul 2001 UTC | Eric van der Vlist

Jason Hunter has announced the release of JDOM 1.0 Beta 7 with a "substantial" list of improvements over beta 6, including XSLT support, performance improvements and bug fixes.

Support for XSLT is provided using the JAXP/TRAX mode. The new release ships with the Crimson, JAXP and Xalan libraries and includes a sample showing how to run a transformation.

The API itself has been updated substantially. Twenty new methods and constructors have been added, methods that had been deprecated in beta 6 have been removed, and a dozen additional methods have been deprecated.

The biggest performance enhancement mentioned in the README file is for documents with namespaces. One of the tests is said to run more than 20 times faster with beta 7.

The TODO list mentions immediate work on DOCTYPE roundtripping and lists more advanced features such as XPath support and in-memory validation as targets for JDOM 1.1.

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