New Perl XML modules
00:17, 1 Jun 2001 UTC | Edd Dumbill

Matt Sergeant has released several new Perl/XML modules: XML::LibXML, XML::Handler::HTMLWriter and XML::Filter::Base.

XML::LibXML, a wrapper for the GNOME libxml, has been split out from the XML::LibXSLT distribution, and made to function as a stand-alone module, providing access to both a DOM and XPath API.

XML::Handler::HTMLWriter is a SAX handler that writes valid HTML 4.01.

XML::Filter::Base is a base class for SAX filters, designed so the user can subclass it to enable simple creation of new filters without extensive implementation effort. Regarding this and the previous module, Sergeant warns that they are early stage implementations.

All these modules are available from CPAN.

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