Perl wrapper for XSLT processors
12:31, 11 May 2001 UTC | Edd Dumbill

Colin Muller has released XML::XSLT::Wrapper, a module giving Perl a consistent interface to multiple XSLT processors.

The module currently has drivers for XML::LibXSLT (Matt Sergeant's interface to GNOME's libxml), XML::Xalan, XML::Sablotron and XML::XSLT. It also supports the Java processors XT and Saxon.

Parameters can be passed to the processor in an array, and the module will cycle through a list of processors failing gracefully until it finds one that will work.

Anyone want to XSLTMark the wrapppers? (DataPower - 20:06, 11 May 2001)

It would be neat to see Matt Sergeant's XSLTMark for Perl scores across all of the different wrappers!

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