SAX2 bugfix pre-release
03:14, 29 Dec 2000 UTC | Edd Dumbill

David Megginson has put together a pre-release of bug fixes for SAX2. A final release is expected some time in January.

Writing on XML-DEV, Megginson requested:

Please take a couple of weeks to test this for bugs. I plan to put out the release proper some time in January, then to hand off SAX2. Please note that this is *not* the time for new-feature requests, interface changes, etc.

Major fixes in this pre-release include:

  • Added simple test program src/
  • Synchronized static methods in XMLReaderFactory for thread safety.
  • Fixed bug in ParserAdapter that reported an incorrect error when an attribute using a Namespace prefix appeared before the Namespace declaration.
  • Fixed bugs in AttributesImpl that caused infinite loops or prevented removing attributes.
  • Specified that InputSource.getSystemId should return null when no system ID is available.
  • Modified DefaultHandler.resolveEntity to throw IOException, as in the interface specification.
  • Added default constructors to SAXException, SAXNotRecognizedException, and SAXNotSupportedException.

A comprehensive list of changes is available in the distribution itself.

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