Oracle XML SQL Utility 2.1.0 beta
08:18, 21 Nov 2000 UTC | Edd Dumbill

Oracle have released v2.1.0 beta of their XML SQL Utility, available from the Oracle Technet web site, adding initial support for XML Schemas.

New features in this release include:

  • SAX2 output from any SQL query for handling XML query output of arbitrary size in custom programs or SAX filters.
  • Full support for any JDBC driver
  • Initial XML Schema support, allowing you to produce inline XML Schema for the XML result of any SQL query
  • New support for retrieving data as XML attributes instead of elements

Announcing the new release, Oracle XML evangelist Steve Muench gave an example of the retrieve-as-attribute functionality:

SELECT FOO as "@foo", BAR as "bar" FROM BAZ
  <row foo="foovalue">

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