More Python XML tools
09:34, 9 Nov 2000 UTC | Eric van der Vlist

Alexandre Fayolle has announced Python XmlTools, a set of open source XML graphical tools to display and edit XML documents that are released as a side product of the Narval project.

This first release of Python XmlTools is composed of two pyGTK widgets:

Right now it features two pyGTK widgets: XmlTree and XmlEditor, which can respectively display and edit an XML document in a graphical user interface.

XmlEditor relies on XmlTree and uses a DTD for its user interface. The move to W3C XML Schema is mentioned as a future plan:

I would like to use an XMLSchema to pilot the editor, rather than a DTD. However, this might take some time, since the XMLSchema spec is a huge beast.

Both widgets are relying on other XML Python libraries:

They make use of 4DOM (and DOM L2 Events), 4XPath, and xmlproc.

XmlTools is part of Narval (Network Assistant Reasoning with a Validating Agent Language), a wider project to implement a personal network assistant.

XmlTools are available for download on the logilab web site under the open source GPL license.

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