Fatdog XML Query Engine update
08:19, 6 Nov 2000 UTC | Edd Dumbill

Howard Katz has announced substantial updates to his XML Query Engine, version 0.89 including many bug fixes, and several new features and optimizations.

XML Query Engine is a Java Bean that enables the searching of XML documents for element, attribute and full-text content. It uses the XQL query-language.

New features include:

  • logical subquery operators 'and' and 'or'
  • set operators 'union' and 'intersect'
  • namespace support
  • showDocTree(docID) api for quick visualization of element hierarchy
  • simple compound-word matching in element content
  • setDoFullText(boolean) api for turning off element text indexing

XML Query Engine is an experimental work in progress, but Katz writes that it is now nearing beta status. XQE can be obtained from Fatdog's website. Feedback and suggestions should be sent to Howard Katz.

Can Fatdog XML Query Engine update support url? (Michael - 08:21, 12 Jul 2001)

Can I use the engine to make a query to a file which is given by url? for example:

the file is located at:

If the engine supports this, it is really great!!


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