Repat, an open source RDF parser in C
09:35, 10 Oct 2000 UTC | Edd Dumbill

Jason Diamond has released a preview version of "repat," an RDF parser written in ANSI C.

Named for Clark's expat, which it is based on, repat is in early stages, but according to the author can correctly parse all of the examples in the RDF Model & Syntax specification. Diamond is looking for others to try out the code on different platforms (he has developed repat on Windows).

In order to correctly handle some of the RDF examples, Diamond writes that he:

... took the liberty of "enhancing" the syntax described therein but not strictly prescribed to by its authors. The syntax is much more flexible and--in my opinion--more internally consistent. For example, I've removed the somewhat arbitrary restrictions placed on container descriptions and rdf:li elements which can now contain embedded resources as objects.

Bug fixes, comment and criticism concerning repat are now requested.

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