SAX parser for embedded Java systems
08:55, 5 Jul 2000 UTC | Edd Dumbill

John Wilson has announced the release of MinML, a minimal SAX-based parser for embedded Java systems. MinML has a SAX1 interface, and supports a subset of XML 1.0.

Originally based on the SML group's Minimal XML specification, the parser has grown to accept more of XML 1.0--it still does not accept mixed content, however. Support is there for attributes, empty elements, entity and character references and CDATA sections.

Wilson says of the parser's design:

The code is reasonably small (~ 7Kb with a small test program and the necessary SAX classes). however the main design constraint was to reduce the amount of heap space consumed when processing a document.

MinML is open source, and licensed BSD-style.

Re: SAX parser for embedded Java systems (Colin Mc Caul - 11:57, 10 Jan 2001)

I am currrently evauating a number of parsers. I've downloaded your SAX Parser and would like to run and test it. Could you please provide some text on how the code should be run.

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