New revisions of Python DOM, XPath and XSLT tools
17:37, 25 May 2000 UTC | Edd Dumbill

Fourthought have released revised versions of 4DOM, 4XSLT and 4XPath, their Python tools for processing XML.

4DOM 0.10.0 implements W3C DOM Core level 2, HTML level 2 and level 2 document traversal. Changes in this latest release include bugfixes for printing, internal efficiency improvements and a change in the package name to xml.dom.

4XPath 0.9.0 and 4XSLT 0.9.0 implement the XPath and XSLT recommendations (with a few limitations, see the ful announcement for details). Version 0.9.0 adds some significant functionality over previous releases.

Changes in this version include the implementation of xsl:attribute-set and xsl:decimal-format as well as the fixing of various bugs and the addition of several extension functions.

Fourthought's tools are currently being integrated into Zope, the Python-based open source application server, in order to provide full DOM, XPath and XSLT support.

Full announcements: 4DOM 0.10.0 4XSLT and 4XPath 0.9.0.

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