The UML meets the RDF
03:34, 26 Apr 2000 UTC | Gabe Beged-Dov

Sergey Melnik has created a UML/RDF mapping. He writes that:

The goal of this work is to make UML "RDF-compatible". This allows mixing and extending UML models and the language elements of UML itself on the Web in an open manner. XMI, the current standard for encoding UML in XML by OMG, does not offer this capability. It is based upon a hard-wired DTD.

Sergey initially announced a mapping for the UML core conceptual model. At that time, he indicated that his ulterior motive in creating the UML/RDF mapping was to use it as the basis for specifying the UML state machine formalism in RDF. Sergey followed up by announcing the availability of the state machine RDF mapping earlier today.

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