Zope, XML, and the Web
02:56, 9 Feb 2000 UTC | Simon St.Laurent

Jon Udell, in his keynote for the 8th Annual Python Conference, claims that "Zope is helping to create ... the second generation object Web".

Udell cites Zope as a strong competitor to Lotus Notes/Domino as a tool for developing collaborative Web applications, and finds promise in "this general approach to distributed computing" that combines Python script processing with the generic frameworks that XML makes possible. He notes the Zope Object Database (ZODB) as a strong foundation for XML storage as well.

XML provides "granular control over content" that makes it possible to "reliably parse the content, transform it into richly-interconnected sets of Web pages, and vary that transformation at will to meet all sorts of rapidly-changing requirements". has some articles by Amos Latteier on using Zope to build XML applications:

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