New RDF/XML Syntax Specification, DAML+OIL note
10:04, 7 Jan 2002 UTC | Uche Ogbuji

The re-energized RDFCore working group continued its brisk work updating the various RDF specifications. They have released an update of the RDF/XML Syntax Specification working draft. The RDF/XML syntax is still being specified separately from the fundamental data model, a move which many in the RDF community have been advocating. From the announcement:

The most significant changes since the 06 September 2001 working draft are:

  • Most of the document is new
  • The grammar is now expressed using the XML Infoset to create a SAX-like stream of events which is then parsed
  • The grammar was updated to remove rdf:aboutEach
  • Added the mapping to the RDF Model as expressed by N-Triples
  • Added a non-normative RELAX NG schema (plain text and XML)
  • Added a serialisation section
  • Added an introduction to the RDF/XML syntax

In addition, the March 2001 release of DAML+OIL has been published as a W3C note, along with several companion notes:

These activities appear to be making progress along the announced coordination points between RDF/RDFS and DAML+OIL.

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