TinyXSL gets bigger
12:18, 6 Dec 2001 UTC | Eric van der Vlist

Cyril Jandia announced a new version of his ESPX and TinyXSL ECMAScript (Javascript) toolkit which can be used by "down-level web user agents without built-in XML support".

The ESPX parser is progressing toward full XML compliance. Although still lacking DTD support, the new version is reported to fully support Namespaces in XML and xml:base.

The TinyXSL processor has been tested on a number of platforms and browsers. It provides a simple low end alternative to client side XSLT that may be deployed on a number of browsers including IE (without relying on MSXML), Netscape 4.x and 6.0, Mozilla, Galeon and Opera.

Jandia requests feedback and encourages users to run his demo on their browsers and report the results by email.

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Re: TinyXSL gets bigger (Rodney Reid - 01:56, 10 Dec 2001)

Excellent Jandia! Thanks once again for your great work - I'm gonna spend the night picking your source code apart again if you don't mind :D

Re: TinyXSL gets bigger (Cyril Jandia - 11:34, 7 Dec 2001)

From an idea of Eric Van der Vlist, here's a very first shot to a command-line version of TinyXSL : 'Hope it helps Regards, CJ

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