XUL to be implemented in Java
11:52, 6 Aug 2001 UTC | Edd Dumbill

JXUL is an open-source project to implement the XUL user interface framework from Mozilla in Java.

The project intends to allow XUL-based user interface definitions to be imported and used in Java applications, giving them the benefit of XUL's ability to quickly create reusable UI components. One of the project's goals is to support a subset of XUL in KVM, the Java virtual machine for the Palm Pilot.

JXUL has already had some development work and downloadable binaries and source are available from the project web site.

Alternative XUL Motors Abound (Gerald Bauer - 17:38, 10 Apr 2003)

Just to let you know that there are many alternative XUL motors/engines in Java besides the dead JXUL project.

For a line-up check out the Richmond Post Link-opida online @ sporting XUL (XML UI) motors such as Luxor, XWT, Swix, JellySWT, Thinlets, Koala, Axualize and many more.

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