Xerces-J is W3C XML Schema complete.
08:10, 27 Jun 2001 UTC | Eric van der Vlist

Lisa Martin has announced Xerces-J 1.4.1, a new version of the Apache XML Project's Java-based XML parser, with an implementation of W3C XML Schema considered complete, except for a handful of limitations.

Most of these limitations appear to be related to platform specific features such as the size of the integers or the Decimal implementation in JDK 1.3, or to ambiguities in the W3C XML Schema recommendation. However the list of limitations also includes the lack of an interface to the PSVI:

No interface is provided for exposing the post-schema validation infoset, beyond that provided by DOM or SAX

Not specific to Xerces-J, this issue has been noted in another message by Kohsuke Kawaguchi on xmlschema-dev:

Please keep in mind that there are only one or two validators that give you type/annotation info for XML Schema at this moment, and there is still no interface for that.

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Re: Xerces-J is W3C XML Schema complete. (Tadeusz Chełkowski - 09:55, 2 Jul 2001)

Yes, now Xerces validation is much better eg.

such a date: 1976-50-12 was valid in 1.3 and now it gives correct msg

ERROR MSG:org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: Datatype error: In element 'Date' : Value '1976-50-12' is not legal value for current datatype. The month must have values 1 to 12.

Keep up the good work Tadeusz Chełkowski Software AG Poland

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