Ozone comes of age
08:45, 24 Apr 2001 UTC | Eric van der Vlist

Falko Braeutigam has announced Ozone 1.0, the first stable release of the open source object oriented database, which comes with a XML persistent DOM implementation.

While release 1.0 is technically only a minor revision of Ozone 0.6.1, it's also a signal to the community that Ozone is now a mature product, and an opportunity to open a new branch of the project to include new ideas:

Only a few bug fixes has been made since version 0.6.1. The 1.0.x releases are meant to be the stable release of the 'old' (and pretty stable) ozone code base. While in 1.1.x (CVS main branch) we will play with many new features and technologies which will probably lead to many changes even of the API (and probably introduce many new bugs).  

In parallel, Lars Martin has announced a bug fix release of Prowler (a content management layer built on top of Ozone) and mentioned his intention to implement the XML:DB API.

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