Updates for Perl XSLT modules
09:54, 18 Apr 2001 UTC | Edd Dumbill

Edwin Pratomo has released XML::Xalan, an interface to the Apache XSLT engine.

The distribution includes three modules:

  • XML::Xalan::Transformer - a straightforward interface to XalanTransformer class
  • XML::Xalan - high level interfaces to other Xalan classes
  • XML::Xerces::ParserLiaison - an interface to a class required in order to use XML::Xerces with XML::Xalan

XML::Xalan is still in early stages, at version 0.06, and is likely to change over the coming weeks.

Matt Sergeant has released XML::LibXSLT, a wrapper for the GNOME XSLT engine. The current release is version 0.99 and Sergeant considers the module to be "pretty stable." The next release will be 1.0.

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