XSLT IDEs from ActiveState
20:32, 11 Apr 2001 UTC | Edd Dumbill

ActiveState have released two new IDEs for XSLT: a plug-in to Microsoft's Visual Studio .NET, and a Mozilla-based cross-platform IDE, Komodo.

ActiveState's XSLT activity is headed up by Paul Prescod, and forms part of their strategy to provide "the backbone of many sophisticated B2B and electronic publishing systems" for customers.

Visual XSLT plugs into Visual Studio .NET and supports syntax coloring and checking, attribute prompting, and automatic indentation. In addition stepped debugging is supported, as with Visual Studio's debugging support for other languages.

Komodo uses Mozilla as a framework. It supports XSLT element completion, attribute completion, attribute suggestions, syntax checking, debugging. Komodo allows programmers to embed and debug XSLT stylesheets that use Perl, Python and JavaScript.

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