W3C/NIST workshop on Quality Assurance
08:55, 6 Feb 2001 UTC | Eric van der Vlist

The W3C has announced a Workshop on Quality Assurance hosted by NIST to share understanding of the state of the art in this domain before starting a new W3C activity for Quality Assurance.

The main objective of the workshop is to have W3C, its membership and the Web community involved in QA at large to share their understanding of the state of affairs for Web QA tools, technical and business practices and conformance activities at W3C or related to W3C specifications.

Following an announcement of intention to ensure better conformance to Web standards made in May 2000, the call for participation also announces a plan to start a new activity:

Furthermore, as we're planning the start of a new W3C activity, one of our goals is to get feedback on the best course of action within W3C that would improve the quality of W3C specifications implementation in the field over time (i.e. what will be in the charter of this activity). To that effect, a DRAFT Activity Proposal will be circulated prior to and discussed during the workshop.

The workshop will be held on 3-4 April 2001 in Washington D.C., USA and the deadline for registration and position papers is 16 March 2001.

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