Simple RDDL implementation for Microsoft .NET
12:05, 16 Jan 2001 UTC | Eric van der Vlist

Jason Diamond has announced RDDL.NET, a simple RDDL parser for Microsoft's .NET platform.

This first release comes with an API documentation, its source archive and a test application, although Diamond mentioned that:

The API isn't quite usable enough for the type of processing that we're looking for yet but it's a start. I'd appreciate any and all comments that you might have.

Jonathan Borden, who has referenced this API as a RDDL resource, has also noted that the specification was getting more stable and that people should start implementing real world applications:

I think the spec is starting to stabilize, so there ought not be too much fear about implementing something that will need to be totally reworked. At this point (IMHO) we need some real world implementation experience prior to making any substantial changes in the spec -- of course if there are any problems anyone has feel free to chime in -- I *think* we've taken care of most issues people have had until now.

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Re: Simple RDDL implementation for Microsoft .NET (Bill - 00:15, 31 Mar 2004)

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Re: Simple RDDL implementation for Microsoft .NET (John - 11:22, 15 Feb 2004)

Readers, if you are interested in learning more about RDDL implementation for Microsoft .NET, please visit which offers Microsoft courses for people in Australia. Thank you.

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