Apache xml-commons subproject preview
23:55, 7 Feb 2002 UTC | Simon St.Laurent

The Apache XML project has released a second preview of their xml-commons subproject, which focuses on "common code and guidelines for XML projects".

xml-commons seeks to coordinate the use of common libraries across Apache XML subprojects:

"Many projects use and ship with sets of similar externally-defined standards-based code; differences in versioning and configuration of this code often make developing and using our projects more difficult. A common place for all projects to get DOM, SAX, JAXP, and other externally-defined code would be a fairly low-cost and low-maintenance way to alleviate these difficulties. Having a subproject and a community focused on cross-xml-subproject issues will also help drive better cross-project coordination and tooling."

In addition to DOM, SAX, and JAXP, Norm Walsh's Entity Resolver code is part of the library now, and more will appear over time.

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