XBeans in second release
20:54, 18 Dec 2001 UTC | Simon St.Laurent has issued a second release of XBeans, improving its JavaBean and DOM-based data flows with a GUI customizer tool for making translations between the vocabularies expected by various XBeans.

XBeans themselves are quite simple:

"Xbeans are JavaBeans that process XML in a data flow fashion. Using Xbeans and a Java Bean design tool, it is possible to produce distributed data flow applications with little or no programming."

This second release includes a customizer for the translator XBean:

"Rather than writing an XSL file by hand, the translator's customizer lets you explore two DTDs in a GUI and define assignments by pointing and clicking. The customizer generates an XSL file and interfaces with an XSLT engine at runtime."

XBeans shipped with the release include translator, viewer, logger, serializer, parser, synchronizer, HTTP sender-receiver, RMI sender-receiver, CORBA sender-receiver, timer, memory meter, and sample.

XBeans is open source software, using an MIT license.

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