Algebra for schemas and URIs
00:15, 17 May 2001 UTC | Simon St.Laurent

Jonathan Borden released "Defining logical relationships between documents, schemata, URIs, resources and entities".

After a comment from Pat Hayes, who noted:

"The relationship between a URL and the file it locates is not the same as that between a logical name and what it denotes (for example, the locatee is not determined relative to an interpretation, but is fixed by the operational circumstances.)"

Borden replied that:

"I agree that there currently exists alot of fuzziness in this regard. I am in the process of trying to clean this up by providing a (hopefully) logical framework. is a work in progress addressing some of these issues. Statements 10 - 20 address URI related terms."

The document also defines equivalence between schemas, even schemas written in different languages, and makes explicit the relationships between URIs, XML namespaces, and RDDL.

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