Mailing list for RDF and digital libraries
16:05, 16 May 2001 UTC | Edd Dumbill

The W3C have create a new mailing list, www-rdf-dspace, as a forum for collaboration between the Semantic Web and digital library projects such as MIT's DSpace project.

Announcing the list, Art Barstow wrote:

We expect this forum to explore the ways in which we can make the information corpus of digital libraries more useful and valuable through the application of RDF and Semantic Web principles.

We invite contributions from anyone interested and capable of helping to further that objective.

The DSpace project has already created a note indicating the ways that it could use RDF, noting RDF's utility for expressing semi-structured structured data.

For archives, see the mailing lists's home page. To subscribe, send a message containing "subscribe" to www-rdf-dspace-request@w3.org.

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